I Believe (because I have to)


So, I actually love the religious overlord dystopian route for a performance so I thought it might be a good idea to look at some real examples of extremist religions and compare them to our earlier discussion of ‘rules for the dystopian society’.

Most of you will probably know that I grew up in what’s deemed quite a harsh religion, Mormon. Though by religious standards my family is quite tame, I will relay to you some of the typical rules of the Mormon Church (if you are familiar with The Book of Mormon Musical, though somewhat exaggerated, the fundamental points of the beliefs expressed in this show are all true). So without further ado:

  • Controlled language – Mormon’s are forbidden from swearing including ‘bugger’ or ‘damn’
  • Controlled food intake – Mormon’s are told their body is a temple and they must treat it as such. Any potentially harmful or addictive substance are forbidden, including, tea, coffee, alcohol and caffeinated drinks
  • Uniform – More of a dress code, but Mormon’s are expected to cover their shoulders, chest, midriff and knees at all times. During Church sermons or meetings dresses or suits must be worn
  • Families – Traditionally Mormon’s have quite large families but couples are forbidden from having sex before marriage. In fact you’re not supposed to live with the opposite gender unless you’re related, just in case.
  • Initiation – Mormon’s are admitted into the church from birth and baptised at 8. It is sold as the person’s individual choice, but family play a heavy influence. At 16 members can receive “a patriarchal blessing” predicting their future ‘blessings’ as long as they remain faithful to God.
  • Leader – There is a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, who speaks directly to God
  • Surveillance – Well ‘God’ kind of has that covered. Members are expected to pray in the morning, evening and before each meal. More if there’s a church service.
  • Payment – Members are expected to pay a tenth of their earnings to the church each month
  • Crime and Punishment – Though in the earthly world there is no physical punishment (almost anything can be forgiven with humility and ‘a fresh start’) there are supposedly three levels of Heaven. God will judge where you belong based on this life.
  • Sermons – Routinely these are 3 hours long on Sunday’s consisting of prayers, assigned speeches and hymns. There’s the traditional bread and water as well (no wine for the Mormon) in remembrance of the promises you make and renew with God each week. There’s a strong focus on youth of the church, including personal family meetings each Monday, activities nights on Tuesdays and 6.30 am bible lessons on weekdays. Pretty intense.

The list goes on but I found it quite interesting to compare these two supposedly seperate concepts and see just how much overlap there really is. Perhaps the utopian ideals of modern religion aren’t so far from the dystopian worlds of our imagination.

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